Categories (8)

Articles (23)

Pinned Article Canvas: Course Updates on the Canvas Dashboard After Adding or Dropping a Class

It can take up to 24 hours for a course to appear on the Canvas dashboard after making a change in myUTK.

Pinned Article Canvas: User Guide

User guide for Canvas.

Canvas vs K@TE

Canvas vs K@TE

Canvas: Accepted File Types

Information about accepted file types in Online@UT (Canvas).

Canvas: Allowing Third-Party Cookies

How to allow third-party cookies for Online@UT (Canvas).

Canvas: Compatible Browsers and Operating Systems

Information about Canvas compatible browsers and operating systems.

Canvas: Course Materials Not Showing

What to do if some materials are not showing in your Canvas course.

Canvas: Embed Image from User Files

How to embed images into the Canvas Rich Content Editor from User Files.

Canvas: Get WebAssign Support

How to get support for WebAssign.

Canvas: Integrate with Google

How to integrate Google apps (i.e. Google Drive) into Canvas.

Canvas: Log In

How to log in to Canvas.

Canvas: Lucid Education Suite

Getting started with the Lucid Education Suite of tools within Canvas.

Canvas: Microsoft Immersive Reader

Information about Microsoft Immersive Reader within Canvas.

Canvas: Printed Manuals

Printed manuals for Online@UT (Canvas) guides.

Canvas: Sharing Clickers

Information about students sharing clickers in Online@UT (Canvas).

Canvas: Student Photo Rosters and Privacy Concerns

Information about student photo rosters and accompanying privacy concerns.

Canvas: Troubleshoot Internet Browser Issues

How to troubleshoot internet browser issues in Canvas.

Canvas: Using Canvas Studio and Discussions as Video Response Tools

Information about using Canvas Studio media within Canvas Discussions.

Language Placement Exams

Language Placement Exams

Materia: 404 Error Message

Correcting Materia 404 Error Message

Tennessee ID (TN ID)

All Online@UT (Canvas) users have a unique Tennessee ID (TN ID) number. This 9-digit number can be found in your MyUTK right beneath your Name and Student ID number.