Canvas recently released updates to the "Assign To" function to streamline instructor workflow and made improvements in the ability to differentiate instruction for students. By adding more ways to access the "Assign To" function, instructors can quickly manage due dates and availability dates. Of particular note, Canvas has added the ability to use the "Assign To" function with Modules, Module Items, and Pages.
The workflow for Assign To has been changed. Follow the directions below.
Using Assign To While Editing
When editing an assignment, discussion, or quiz, select the Manage Assign To link. This will open a side panel that allows instructors to update the due dates and availability dates for the assignment, discussion, or quiz.

If you would like to add a different due date or availability date to individual students or course sections, select the +Add button to open a new Assign To box.
To add individual students or sections, select the text box to open a menu with student names and course sections. Select the names to add them to the box. You can add multiple students and sections by repeating the process.
Select Apply to add the changes. This will close the side panel.

- After applying the changes and closing the Assign To panel, you will see a pill stating Pending Changes [1]. Select Save at the bottom of the page to fully apply the changes.

Note: When viewing an assignment, graded discussion, or quiz, you can access the Assign To feature by selecting the Assign To button at the top of the page. This is located next to the Edit button.
With this update, instructors can now assign a full module and/or parts of the module to students individually or in sections. Note: The method of creating modules has a new look. Learn more about how to add a module.
How do I assign a module to individual sections and students?
- From the Modules page, locate the module you want to edit. Select the three vertical dots to open the options menu [1]. Select the Assign To link [2] to open the Edit Module Settings side panel.

- From this side panel, there are two Set Visibility options: Everyone (which is the default) and Assign To.

- To assign the module to individuals or sections, select the Assign To radio (circle) button. [1]
- Select the Individual or Section field [2] to select a section [3] or an individual student name [4]. You can add multiple students and sections by repeating the process.
- To remove a student or section, reopen Assign To and select the X in their name pill [1]. To remove all the assignees, select Clear All [2].

- Select the Save button to apply changes.
- After changes are made, you can see the Assign To settings by selecting the View Assign To link at the top of the module.
- If a student is assigned only a specific item within a module and not the entire module, they cannot view any items in the module. However, they can access their assigned module item on the Assignments page.
- If a student is assigned an entire module, but not specific items within that module, they can only view the items they are assigned.
Additional Links: How do I assign a module content item from the Module page?