When naming any file to upload into Canvas, please follow these guidelines:
Use the following in your filenames:
- Letters (ABCabc...)
- Numbers (0123456789)
- Underscores ( _ )
- Document File Extension (Always include the document file extension, such as .docx or .pdf)
Avoid the following:
- Special characters ( ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * etc. )
- Spaces (While technically supported, it is best to avoid spaces)
- Long File Names (Limit file name character length to 60 characters or less)
Accepted File Formats
Use an accepted file format:
Document Preview Files
The following file types are supported for Canvas DocViewer:
- .doc / .docx
- .odf
- .odg
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .pdf
- .ppt / .pptx
- .rtf
- .sxc
- .sxi
- .sxw
- .xls / .xlsx
- .txt
Supported Image Formats
Canvas will accept the following image files:
- BMP - Windows Bitmap
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
- TIFF - Adobe Systems
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
Note: TIF and TIFF file previews are not native to most browsers and may not preview in Canvas.
Supported Video Formats
The Canvas media player supports H.264 video playback. Canvas will accept the following video files for playback:
- FLV – Flash Video
ASF – Windows Media
- QT – Apple QuickTime
MOV – Apple QuickTime
MPG – Digital Video Format
- MPEG – Digital Video Format
AVI – Digital Video Format
M4V – Digital Video Format
- WMV – Windows Media
- MP4 – Digital Video Format
- 3GP – Multimedia Mobile Format
For tips about media compressions and playback quality, view Vimeo's Video Compression Guidelines.
Supported Audio Formats
Canvas will accept the following audio files for playback:
MP3 – Digital Audio Format
- WAV - Waveform Audio File
- WMA – Windows media audio
- WMV – Windows Media