Canvas: Course Updates on the Canvas Dashboard After Adding or Dropping a Class

Canvas course enrollments process daily around 9:00 AM ET. If adding/dropping a class after 9:00 AM ET, students and faculty must wait until the next day for the course to appear on the Canvas Dashboard. OIT is unable to manually add anyone to a course site.

Also, take note of the following information on course visibility:

Course Visibility

Instructors control when students have access to their course sites within Online@UT (Canvas). Please keep in mind that instructors can (and often do) hide their courses until they are ready for students to see the content. 

If you do not see one of your courses in Online@UT (Canvas):

Step 1: Check myUTK to verify your schedule.

If you added the course today in myUTK, it will appear in your Canvas course list tomorrow.

Similarly, if you dropped the course today in myUTK, it will be removed from your course list in Canvas tomorrow.

Step 2: Check to see if the course is published.

Click on the Courses icon and then the All Courses link. Look in the Published column for a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If Yes, click the star located in front of the course name to favorite the course and add it to your Dashboard.

If No, contact your instructor to ask if they are using Canvas for the course.

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