Service Catalog

Categories (12)

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Academic & Administrative Services

Banner, MyUTK, Slate, 25Live, OnBase, Faculty Review, Argos, ODS, TouchNet, TeamDynamix

Accounts & Access Management

Accounts and access requests, such as password resets, Duo 2FA, locked/disabled accounts, other account & access related requests.

Computer, Mobile, & Software Help

Computer, device, tablet, hardware, and printer support and requests.

Email, Collaboration, & Teamwork

Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Teams, One Drive, Google Drive

Internet, Networking, & Infrastructure

Wi-Fi and wired internet connectivity, IP Names, and wiring support and requests.

Information Security

Information security policies and procedures, Duo 2FA, Phishing, Tools & Resources

Phones, Conferencing, & Cable TV

Phones, Smartphones, Conferencing, Cable TV, & Phone Billing

Servers, Storage, & Backups

Windows & Linux servers, virtual servers, managed server support, database, and data backup/recovery.

Teaching, Learning, & Research

Canvas, Zoom, Training, Webcasting, Lecture Capture, Research Computing, ISAAC, & Instructional Design

Web & Application Hosting

OIT-Developed Applications, Web Sites, WordPress, Public Linux Environment, MySQL

UT College, Institute, or System Specific Support

Support for Student Life, HCoB, Nursing, EHHS, UTSA, UTIA, and IPS.