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Zoom: Share Screen on iPhone
Instructions for sharing screen on iPhone in a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... Instructions
Do you need to use your iPhone as a document camera or use the camera to show something to your audience?
Install the Zoom app on your phone
Launch Zoom
Log into the Zoom
Zoom: Troubleshoot Webcam Issues
How to troubleshoot issues with webcam video in Zoom. ... zoom ... indicator or power light.
Locate the webcam icon on the Zoom meeting toolbar. If the icon has a red bar, the webcam is not activated. Select the webcam icon once to activate the broadcast.
On the
Zoom: Troubleshoot Audio Issues
How to troubleshoot audio issues in Zoom. ... zoom ... player is not adequately playing the recorded audio from a Zoom MP4, or not playing audio from another media file, try a different media player on the device.
Troubleshoot an Echo
Zoom: Pin or Spotlight Video
How to pin or spotlight a participant's video in a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... Overview
The pin feature allows you to deactivate the active speaker view and view a specific speaker/webcam broadcast more prominently on the screen. This will only change your personal Zoom
Zoom: Update Meeting Settings
How to locate and update meeting settings in Zoom. ... zoom ... review the settings, log in to your LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) account via the desktop application or via our site and follow the instructions below.
Update Settings in the
Zoom: Access Meeting Controls
How to quickly access meeting controls as a host of a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... access to meeting controls.
The Participants and Host tools icons on the Zoom toolbar are useful for accessing online classroom controls quickly. A leader and Co-Host (or alternative host) may access
Zoom: Suspend Participant Activities
zoom ... Instructions
Stop Screen Share and Mute Participants Simultaneously
Select the Host tools icon on the meeting toolbar.
Choose Suspend Participant Activities.
This option will mute
Zoom: Apply a Waiting Room to a Meeting
zoom ... Zoom desktop app.
Schedule a new meeting (or edit an existing meeting).
Locate the Waiting Room option and add a check beside the option to apply it to the meeting.
Apply the Waiting Room
Zoom: Launch Polls as an Alternative Host
How to launch, edit, or add polls as an alternative host in a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... have the most recent version of Zoom installed on their devices. To download Zoom, please visit the Zoom Downloads page.
The leader must select the option to allow an alternative host to add or edit
Zoom: Transitioning to a HIPAA Account License
zoom ... Overview
This article is intended for UT Zoom users who have requested a HIPAA Zoom account.
The steps below should only be completed once you have confirmed with the OIT HelpDesk that your
Zoom: Share Screen Annotation Tools
zoom ... interface and select Annotate on the toolbar. Or, on the bottom-left of the Zoom content window, find the Annotate icon, which is shaped like a pen.
Available Annotation Tools:
Select - Choose
Zoom: Allow Participants to Share Screen
How to allow a participant to share their screen in a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... Instructions
Only the host, co-host, or alternative host can manage participant screen sharing.
Enable/disable participant screen sharing:
Select the Host tools icon on the meeting
Zoom: Share Video and Audio in a Meeting
How to share audio and video in a Zoom meeting. ... zoom ... In a Zoom meeting, the Share Screen icon on the toolbar may be engaged to display content items, such as slide sets, applications, and media files.
Share Screen, Advanced, and Video file - This
Zoom: Hide Participant Names in Recording
zoom ... If you wish to hide participants' names in a Zoom recording, there are options to do so both in the local recording and the cloud recording. Be sure to complete the following steps prior to starting
Zoom: Automatic Transcriptions for Cloud Recordings
zoom ... Overview
Transcriptions for Zoom Cloud Recordings are enabled for all hosts in the main environment by default.
Access Zoom Cloud Recording Transcriptions:
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