Zoom: Transitioning to a HIPAA Account License

Tags Zoom hippa


This article is intended for UT Zoom users who have requested a HIPAA Zoom account. 

The steps below should only be completed once you have confirmed with the OIT HelpDesk that your Zoom account transition is complete.

Transition Process

Transitioning Your Zoom Account to the HIPAA Zoom Sub-Account:

  1. Clear your browser’s cookies and internet cache.
  2. Sign out of your tennessee.zoom.us account.
  3. Sign into your tennessee.zoom.us account using Sign In with SSO and your NetID and Password.
  4. You will see the following message: You are signing into a Zoom account that is different from your current one.
  5. Click Switch to the new account.
  6. You will see the following message: Before you switch, be aware of the following…
  7. Click I Acknowledge and Switch.
  8. You will see the following message: Zoom sent an email to the address you signed in with. Check your inbox and follow the instructions.
  9. In the email, click Switch to the new account.
  10. After clicking Switch to the new account, your browser will navigate to a new page and show the message Switch to the new Zoom account.
  11. Click I Acknowledge and Switch.
  12. You will then see the following message: Your Zoom Account Switch Was Successful.
  13. Click Sign in Now to access your Zoom account that is now in the HIPAA Sub-Account. Be sure to use the SSO option and your NetID and Password. NOTE: you may need to add tennessee to the domain the first time you log in.

A simple way to confirm that your account has been moved is to check the following:

Personal Meeting ID
*** *** *568 Show
https://tennesseehipaa.zoom.us/j/*******568 Show