Shared Mailbox: Sending Email from Outlook


If you have been granted 'Send As' rights on a shared mailbox, you can use the steps below to enable messages you send to appear to come from the address of the shared mailbox when needed.

Related ArticleOpening a Shared Mailbox


Once you have opened the shared mailbox in Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Open Outlook and choose 'New Message'
  2. Click on the 'From' field label. A drop-down menu will show.
    • *If you do not see the 'From' field, click 'Options' in the menu ribbon above and click 'From' in the Show Fields section.
  3. Choose 'Other email address' from the list.
  4. Enter the full email address of the shared mailbox you wish to send from. Click 'Ok'
  5. Compose and send your message like normal. The From address will remain in the drop-down list for future messages.
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Article ID: 118078
Fri 10/9/20 4:22 PM
Thu 10/19/23 2:12 PM
Microsoft 365