Panopto: Download Desktop Recorder


Follow the instructions below to find out how to download the Panopto desktop recording application for Mac or Windows. There are two different methods for downloading the Panopto desktop recorder. 


Method 1: Downloading the Panopto Desktop Recorder from Canvas 

  1. Click the Create button when inside the Panopto Video interface in a Canvas course.
    NOTE: You must have Creator access to a folder to be able to create videos in Panopto. Also, if you are a student, you must be given access to an Assignment folder by your instructor in order to use the Create button to make videos using Panopto.

  2. Select the first option “Panopto for Mac” or “Panopto for Windows”. 

  3. A window will open within Canvas. 

  4. Click the Download Panopto button to automatically begin the download process, or Click here for other download options hyperlink where you can select the Mac or Windows version for download. 

Method 2: Downloading the Panopto Desktop Recorder from the Panopto Web Interface 

  1. Navigate to to access Panopto via the web (outside of Canvas). 

  2. Click Download Panopto in the top right corner of your screen.  

  3. Click the Download Panopto button to automatically begin the download process, or Click here for other download options hyperlink where you can select the Mac or Windows version for download. 


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