VPN: Connect to Pulse Secure | Windows or macOS


Pulse Secure is the client for connecting to the SSL-VPN from a Windows or Mac. These instructions walk you through connecting to the VPN through the desktop client. 


  1. Download and install the Pulse Secure/Junos Pulse application found under the VPN section of the OIT Software Download Site.
  2. Once installed, launch Pulse Secure/Junos Pulse.
  3. Select the plus icon to add a new connection.
    Screenshot of an arrow pointing to plus icon to add a new connection in pulse secure on a mac
  4. Give the connection a name, such as "UTK VPN" and enter the server URL: access.utk.edu

    Screenshot of pulse secure settings on a mac including the type, name, and server
  5. Once configured, click Connect.
  6. You will be prompted to log in with your NetID and Password, then Duo Two-Factor Authentication. 
  7. Windows: Once connected, Junos Pulse will appear in your task tray. Selecting the Pulse Secure icon, will allow you to turn Pulse off or on, open the Pulse window, connect, disconnect, cancel, suspend, resume, or extend your VPN session.
  8. Mac: Once connected, Junos Pulse will appear in your menu bar. Selecting the Pulse Secure icon in the upper right corner of your screen will allow you to turn Pulse off or on, open the Pulse window, connect, disconnect, cancel, suspend, resume, or extend your VPN session.

  9. To disconnect your VPN session, select Disconnect from the Secure Pulse window, task tray, or menu bar shortcut.
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Article ID: 122938
Thu 12/17/20 4:49 PM
Tue 6/25/24 1:44 PM
VPN (Pulse Secure)

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