macOS includes a technology called Gatekeeper, that's designed to ensure that only trusted software runs on your Mac. If you download and install apps from the internet or directly from a developer, alerts and warnings may appear if the application is not properly notarized or signed by the developer. It is possible for safe, legitimate programs to be flagged as malware/unsafe and you may need to reinstall or update an application to correct the error. Full details on the possible Gatekeeper alerts you may encounter can be found on the Apple support website.
Recent updates to the Gatekeeper tool have caused some legitimate UT applications to be flagged as malware, including the UT VPN software, Pulse Secure. The article below addresses how to fix the error for Pulse Secure however, the same steps can be used to correct the error for other legitimate/safe applications caught by the Gatekeeper tool.
How to Correct macOS Gatekeeper Malware Alert for Pulse Secure
Use these steps if you are getting the following alert regarding Pulse Secure on your Mac:

Option 1 (Recommended) - Run the Pulse Secure Installer to Update the Application
- Leave the malware warning message up while completing these steps.
- Visit the OIT Software website and click Log In.
- Scroll down to the VPN category and choose the option labeled "Pulse Secure Mac 10.13 and Up 64bit v9.1.11"
- Check the box in Step 1 then click Download the Software in Step 2.
- Locate the file in your Downloads folder and double-click the file to launch the installer when the download completes.
- If the installer appears to freeze or stall, locate the malware warning message and choose Cancel
- When the installer completes, locate any malware alert messages and choose Cancel to close them.
- Launch Pulse Secure as usual.
**If you continue to receive malware warnings for Pulse Secure, please update your version of macOS to the latest release. If updates do not work, please continue to Option 2 below to fully uninstall and reinstall the application.
Option 2 - Complete Uninstall and Reinstall of Pulse Secure
- Leave the alert message up while completing these steps.
- Verify Pulse Secure is not currently running.
- In the upper right of your screen, check for the Pulse Secure icon.
- If you see the Pulse Secure icon, right-click the icon and choose Quit
- Launch Finder and open the Applications list from the left navigation.
- Locate Pulse Secure in the list and right-click the application name
- In the context menu, click Move to Trash
- You may be prompted for the computer admin password to complete the uninstall. Enter your computer password, if prompted, and click OK
- Empty the Trash once the uninstall is complete.
- Locate the Trash icon in your dock.
- Right-click the icon and choose Empty Trash
- Close or dismiss any alert messages still on the screen.
- Reinstall Pulse Secure