These instructions are for installingIvanti Secure Access VPN on APT-based Linux Distributions (e.g., Ubuntu/Debian). For any distribution other than Ubuntu/Debian, only steps 1, 2, and 3.1 through 3.2 may be needed.
To get started, download the appropriate VPN—Ivanti Secure Access application based on your OS from the VPN section of the OIT Software Download Site.
- Copy the 64-bit .deb installer file to the Downloads folder (from the OIT download site).
- Install all latest updates for Ubuntu (this is very important and everything else could fail if Ubuntu updates are not current)
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- Open Terminal and use the following commands:
- Change directory to your downloads folder (most likely cd ~/Downloads )
- sudo apt install ./ps-pulse-linux-22.3r3.1-b20175-64bit- installer.deb
- enter password and hit Enter (package gets unpacked to /opt/pulselinux/path)
- sudo /opt/pulselinux/bin/ install
- This installs the Chrome Embedded Framework. You may skip this step if it has already been installed.
- Launch Ivanti Secure Access VPN desktop application
- Set up the connection, connecting, and completing 2FA.
- Server name is