Canvas: Incorporate Video into Course Site

It is not recommended that you upload large files directly to your Online@UT (Canvas) course site. There are several reasons for this, the most important of which is this: even once you successfully upload your large file to the course site, there's no guarantee that your students will be able to download and view it via their Internet connections.

Every Online@UT (Canvas) course site is currently set at 1 GB storage capacity. We are advising instructors to not upload large video files directly into the course site, but rather upload these video files into Canvas Studio, Panopto, or YouTube. By using one of these platforms, your Canvas course storage quota will not be impacted.

Canvas Studio

Canvas Studio is an interactive audio/video platform from Instructure, Inc., the makers of Canvas. It allows students and instructors to upload audio/videos to Canvas. Users can then engage with the video content by commenting directly on the media timeline. Learn more about Canvas Studio on OIT's website.


Panopto is a content management platform that allows you to record, share live events, and manage video and audio lectures. With Panopto, you don’t need to worry about where to post your video, because all your content is catalogued in a secure video library that integrates with Canvas. Learn more about Panopto on OIT's website.


All UTK faculty, staff, and students have access to a Google account using their UTK email addresses. Google owns YouTube; therefore, UTK faculty, staff, and students also have access to a YouTube account. If you prefer, you can use other credentials to access YouTube (for example: if you already have a non-UTK Gmail address, you can use it to access YouTube---it's all Google).

View instructions on creating a YouTube channel.

View instructions on uploading a recorded Zoom video (or any other video) into YouTube.

YouTube has several advantages: it's free, it's quick, and once you begin uploading, you are given a link to the video, which you can then embed in a Page in Canvas. Canvas recognizes YouTube, so it will take the link and actually "tell" the browser to play the video right in the Canvas Content Page itself. However, privacy is an issue, as you cannot guarantee privacy using YouTube.