Windows offers 3 different methods of restoring missing or deleted files:
- Open – Opens the backup folder allowing you to drag and drop files back to their original location, or a new location.
- Restore – Restores the entire contents of the backup folder to its original location. This option will not overwrite new files created since the backup was performed, but will overwrite all existing files. Use with extreme caution.
Locating Previous Versions
- Open your Home or Departmental drive in File Explorer.
- To recover your files, right-click on the folder you wish to recover and select Properties.
- When the Properties window appears, choose the Previous Versions tab.

- Find the appropriate time that you think the files were still in the folder. (T-Storage keeps 2 days worth of backups that were created every two hours between 9am and 7pm, and nightly backups that are created at midnight every day for 28 days, weekly backups up to 6 months)
Restoring Your Files
Open Option
Select Open and a new window will open up showing the state of that folder as it existed at the time the backup was taken.
Once you locate the missing files, you can drag and drop them as necessary to the original folder or a new folder.
Restore Option
You can also choose to Restore the entire folder by clicking the Restore button. Windows will prompt you to make sure that you want to do this, because doing so will overwrite any files that may already exist. This option will not overwrite new files created since the backup was performed, but will overwrite all existing files. Use with extreme caution.