Canvas: Discussions Redesign for Students


The Canvas Discussions Redesign has several updates to existing parts of Discussions as well as new features: Flexible Viewing Options, Mentions, Role Labels, Reply Quoting, Reply/Discussion Reporting, Anonymous and Partially Anonymous Discussions, and Edit History.


Flexible Viewing Option

One of the new options available in Discussions is the ability to choose how you view reply threads to a discussion post. The two options are now View Inline and View Split Screen. The button to switch between views is located at the top of the discussion post.

The button doesn't indicate which view is currently active; instead, it displays the view that will be shown when clicked. For example, if you're currently in the Inline view, the button will show Split Screen. Clicking it will then switch you to the Split Screen view.

View Inline

View Inline is the default setting, resembling the traditional view. The original post is at the top, followed by initial replies. If a reply receives further responses, a link shows the count of replies below it. Clicking once opens the thread, and clicking again collapses it.

Furthermore, when in the Inline view, a button labeled Expand Threads will appear atop the discussion post. This button enables you to expand or collapse all reply threads simultaneously.

View Split Screen

View Split Screen is a new option that changes how reply threads are displayed. When selected, clicking on a Replies link [1] will open a panel on the right side of the screen showing all replies in the chosen thread [2]. To close the panel, click the X in the upper right corner [3].

"@" Mentioning

To improve the more engaged and natural conversation flow, you can mention other users in the discussion replies using the @ symbol. All available users in the course are displayed in the drop-down menu.

*Users will receive notifications if they are mentioned when the Discussions - New Mention notification is turned on.

Improved Search Tool

If you use the search tool in Discussions, it will highlight the text that matches the search query.

Role Labels

Discussion and announcement threads feature Role Labels for users with TA and Teacher (Instructor) roles, making it easier for you to recognize users with instructional roles in the course.

Reply Quoting

When viewing discussion thread replies, you can quote a threaded reply. To quote a discussion thread reply, click the three vertical dots [1] and then select Quote Reply [2].

Discussion Post Reporting

Discussion Post Reporting enables you to report posts to the instructor through a designated button. Once instructors have activated the ability to report replies, students can report replies by clicking the Settings menu [1] of the reply that needs to be reported and selecting the Report link [2].

When a user reports a reply, they must specify the reason for the report, choosing from options such as inappropriate, offensive and/or abusive, or Other. Once reported, the action cannot be reversed.

Once a user reports a reply, the option in the Settings menu changes to Reported for that user. This means they can't report the reply again. However, other users can report the same reply if they find it necessary.

Anonymous and Partially Anonymous Discussions

Anonymous Discussion

In the anonymous discussion feature, you will get the alert stating, "This is an anonymous Discussion. Your name and profile picture will be hidden from other course members. Mentions have also been disabled." Beneath the alert you will see an Anonymous Discussion label in the top left corner. You will also see an anonymous avatar indicating your replies are posted anonymously. When you reply as anonymous, your name and profile picture are hidden from other course members.

*Users with a teacher, TA, or designer role in the course will never be anonymous.

Partially Anonymous Discussion

In the partially anonymous discussion, an alert informs users that "When creating a reply, you will have the option to show your name and profile picture to other course members or remain anonymous. Mentions have also been disabled." You can choose to reply either with your name or anonymously, which will show a random avatar revealing no identity.

Edit History

The Edit History feature allows you to see when edits were made to a discussion, including details about who deleted a post and when a comment was edited. This provides transparency and tracking of changes within the discussion.

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Article ID: 151347
Mon 5/13/24 3:20 PM
Thu 5/30/24 12:07 PM