Microsoft Teams: Meeting Recording and Transcription


The process of recording and creating a transcript of your meeting can be accomplished before a meeting begins or during your meeting. Meeting Options provided when scheduling your meeting through your Teams calendar will allow you to record the meeting and create a transcript automatically; the recording will begin as soon as the first person enters the meeting. If you prefer to choose when to begin recording, you can opt to use the recording options within the meeting’s toolbar. If you prefer just a written transcript of your meeting, you can select this option from within your meeting.

Before the Meeting

When creating the meeting, toggle on the “Record automatically” within the Meeting Options panel. In addition to a meeting recording, this will also automatically create a transcript of the meeting.

A screenshot of Meeting Options with Record Automatically toggled on.


During the Meeting

If you do not set the meeting to be automatically recorded, you can begin the recording from the meeting toolbar.

  • Select the More Actions ellipsis (…) in the toolbar.

A screenshot of the More Actions icon within the Meeting Toolbar.

  • Select Record and Transcribe.
  • Select Start Recording. Starting the recording will also automatically begin the meeting transcription.

A screenshot of the Start Recording option within More Actions in the Meeting Toolbar.


End of the Meeting

At the end of the meeting, Stop the Recording.

  • When your meeting is complete, select More Actions ellipsis (…) in the meeting toolbar.
  • Select Record and Transcribe.
  • Select Stop Recording.

A screenshot of the Stop Recording option within the More Actions icon of the Teams Meeting Toolbar.

  • Select Stop.

A screenshot of the Stop Recording and Transcription confirmation box.


Meeting Transcription

If you need a transcript of a meeting you will need to turn on the transcription feature on the meeting toolbar once your meeting has begun. If you record your meeting, meeting transcription will begin automatically.

  • Select the More Actions ellipsis (…) in the toolbar.

A screenshot of the More Actions icon within the Meeting Toolbar.

  • Select Record and Transcribe.
  • Select Start Transcription.

A screenshot of the Start Transcription option within the More Actions icon of the Meeting Toolbar.

  • Select the Spoken Language.
  • Select Confirm.

A screenshot of the Transcription dialogue selection box for language.

  • A Live Transcript pane will open on the right. If you prefer not to view this during the meeting, select the X in the upper right corner.

A screenshot of the Transcription pane along the right side of the meeting window.


Access the Meeting Transcript

You can download the meeting transcript as a .docx or .vtt file. The meeting transcript can be accessed from three locations:

  • The Channel Post or Chat (Location 1)
    • Select the ellipsis (...) to see your download options.

A screenshot of the Transcript within a Teams Channel.


  • From within the Meeting Event on the Teams Calendar (Location 2)
    • Select and Open the Meeting Event.
    • Select Transcript or the additional tabs option (1).
    • Select Transcript (2).

A screenshot of the Transcript within a Meeting Event.


  • From the Meet App (Location 3 - hold meeting information from the last 30 days)

Microsoft Teams Meet App with a Meeting Transcript indicated.