Turnitin uses different colors to display the similarity score range. The color associated with the similarity report is based on the amount of similar or matching text. The similarity score range is 0% to 100%. Each range correlates to the following colors:
Blue: 0% similarity found. No matching text.
Green: One word to 24% similar text. Minor or insubstantial similarity detected.
Yellow: 25% - 49% similar text. These are submissions with a medium level of matching text.
Orange: 50% - 74% similar text. These submissions have a medium to large level of similarity.
Red: 75% - 100% similarity. These are for submissions with a large amount of similarity.
The following image shows an example of the percentages associated with the different colors:
For Instructors
The Canvas Gradebook also generates colored flag icons to indicate the Turnitin Similarity Report score range:
To view the exact percentage, select the colored flag icon, then the arrow, and choose SpeedGrader™ from the menu that opens to the right. The percentage should now be visible. Select the percentage next to the uploaded assignment to open the Similarity Report. Note: A new Similarity Report may not be generated for resubmissions for 24 hours. The delay allows Turnitin to generate a report independent of the previous draft.
View Turnitin’s Similarity Report scoring scenarios for more information about similarity scoring.