Canvas: Access and Review a Turnitin Similarity Report for Instructors

Instructions for Instructors

The Similarity Report generated for each student can be accessed from within the Canvas SpeedGrader™.

OPTION 1: Access the SpeedGraderTM from the Assignment:

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Assignments link.
  2. Open the desired Turnitin Assignment, and select the SpeedGrader™ link located in the upper right hand corner.

    • In SpeedGrader™:
      1. View the Turnitin Similarity report by selecting the similarity percentage.
        • NOTE: If a similarity percentage is not yet available, a timer icon may appear in place of the similarity percentage. This means the report has not yet been generated. If this happens, it may be that a longer paper was submitted and needs more time to process. Check back later.

      2. Once the similarity percentage has been selected, a Turnitin screen will appear. Accept the Turnitin End-User License Agreement at the bottom of the page (you will only have to do this once).

      3. The Similarity Report will open in a new browser tab. If you're having trouble opening the Similarity Report, check the browser's pop-up blocker settings and create an exception for Turnitin.

      4. In the Similarity Report, include or exclude sources the submitted assignment is checked against by selecting the gear in the upper right.

      5. Then, select or deselect the checkboxes to include or exclude sources and choose Done to save changes.

      6. Finally, for help understanding the report, review Interpreting the Similarity Report for guidance.
  3. Add a grade to the student's submission.
  4. Share a comment with the student.
  5. When finished, select Submit to save.

OPTION 2: Access the SpeedGraderTM from the Gradebook:

  1. In Course Navigation, select the Grades link.
  2. Locate the assignment you want to grade and click the three vertical dots next to the assignment name. Select SpeedGrader™.
  3. Continue with the SpeedGraderTM steps as above.


Article ID: 144817
Mon 3/13/23 2:38 PM
Mon 3/13/23 3:43 PM