Due to cross-site cookie tracking, it is strongly recommended that you use the Google Chrome browser when creating a LinkedIn Learning assignment in Canvas.
Please also advise your students to use Google Chrome when viewing LinkedIn Learning videos in your Canvas course site.
LinkedIn Learning content can be brought into Canvas Assignments. The benefits of adding LinkedIn Learning content into Canvas as an assignment are to give your students due dates, and/or to make the content visible only to specific people or sections.
Access your course and select the Assignments link from the course navigation menu.

Select the +Assignment button located in the upper right-hand side of the page.

Enter the name of the assignment and a description.

Enter the Points information if you desire points added to the Canvas Gradebook.

Change the Submission type to External Tool and select the Find button.

Enter LinkedIn Learning into the search box and select Find. Scroll down the list and select LinkedIn Learning.
The LinkedIn Learning search window will open. Enter the title or topic of the video or course you want to assign to your students.
When you locate the video you want your students to view, select the Add button beside the video title card.
When you have selected the video(s) scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Confirm.

Click the Select button at the bottom right of your Canvas assignment page.

Select the Load This Tool in a New Tab check box IF you want your students taken to the LinkedIn Learning site to watch the video. Leaving the box unchecked will keep students on your assignment page to watch the video. (Keeping students on your assignment page may be less distracting.)
Assign: this allows you to assign the videos to individual students or to the entire class. At this point, you can set a due date and the time span the video is available to your students.

Select the Save & Publish button at the bottom of the page.