Safe or Blocked Senders and Domains
Safe Senders & Domains
There are times when you don't want messages from a specific person or domain (all senders from a specific domain, such as to end up in your Junk Email folder. Messages from addresses or domains on the safe senders list won't get moved to your Junk Email folder or Quarantine.
Blocked Senders & Domains
You can block messages from specific email addresses or domains (all senders from a specific domain, such as from reaching your inbox. When you add an email address or domain to your blocked senders list, Outlook automatically moves messages from that sender to the Junk Email folder or Quarantine.
Add a Sender or Domain
- Sign in to Microsoft 365.
- Choose Outlook.
- At the top of the page, select Settings
> Mail.
- Select Mail > Junk Email > Add Safe Senders or Domains or Add Blocked Senders or Domains.
- To add an entry to Safe Senders and Recipients, enter the email address or domain that you want to mark as safe in the Enter a sender or domain here text box. Press Enter or select the plus icon next to the text box.
- To mark a particular domain as safe, such as all addresses that end in, enter in the text box.
- To mark a particular person as safe, enter that person's full email address. For example, to mark all messages from as safe, enter in the text box.
- To add an entry to Blocked Senders and Recipients, enter the email address or domain that you want to mark as blocked in the Enter a sender or domain here text box. Press Enter or select the plus icon next to the text box.
- To mark a particular domain as blocked, such as all addresses that end in, enter in the text box.
- To mark a particular person as blocked, enter that person's full email address. For example, to mark all messages from as blocked, enter in the text box.
- Select Save to save your changes.
Remove a Sender or Domain
- To remove an entry from Safe or Blocked Senders and Domains, click the trash can icon.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Edit a Sender or Domain
- To change an entry in Safe or Blocked Senders and Domains, click the pencil icon.
- Make your preferred changes.
- Select Save to save your changes.