Zoom: Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for both Mac and PC users are listed in the Zoom desktop application. Be sure to log in and engage your LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) account when accessing the Zoom desktop application.

To view the available keyboard shortcuts,

  • Select the Profile icon on the top-right and then choose Settings or the Settings Gear in the Zoom desktop application window.
  • Choose Keyboard Shortcuts.

 If you would like to download and install the Zoom desktop application, visit our site at tennessee.zoom.us. Once on the site, select Download Zoom in the corner.

Some of the keyboard shortcuts are listed below.


 Windows Keystroke

 Mac Keystroke

 Engage or disengage the Microphone

 Alt + A

 Command + Shift + A

 Engage or disengage the Video (webcam)

 Alt + V

 Command + Shift + V

 Start or stop the Share Screen

 Alt + S

 Command + Shift + S

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Article ID: 131213
Thu 4/8/21 8:59 AM
Wed 5/15/24 1:36 PM