An announcement gives you a better way for people to see your post in chat. Use an announcement for notifying students that an assignment has been posted or for an announcement that all employees need to know about.
- Log on to MS Teams through Office 365 or via the downloaded app.
- Select the Class team you want to post the announcement to.
- Select the channel that you want to announce to.
- Click inside the chat window to start your announcement (this is the same window you use for chat)
- Select the first icon “A” just under the chat entry window

- Click the dropdown arrow next to New conversation at the top of the chatbox and select Announcement.

- Type the Headline for your announcement.
- Add a photo to your banner by clicking the picture icon on the right.
- Click into the body text box and enter the information you want to post to your class.
- Use the icons at the bottom of the window to add additional elements to the announcement.
- Click the SEND arrow on the bottom right of the window you are typing in.
- All the members of your team will be notified of the announcement.