MySQL: Setup Account

Tags MySQL Setup


To use the OIT provided MySQL service you need a user account and password. For some applications (e.g., WordPress) you will need to pre-create an empty database and you must grant access to your database from one or more application hosts. You can perform all these functions from the OIT self-service web site:


To create a MySQL account:

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Log in with a NetID and password

If this is your first time using OIT's MySQL service, you will probably see a message: "No MySQL account associated with your NetID". If so, follow these instructions:

  1. Select a database server from the dropdown menu or click on Find My Server to find out which server you should be using.
  2. Select Create New Account
  3. Your NetID is pre-populated (you cannot change it)
  4. The host you are currently signed in on is pre-populated. Use this hostname, or replace it with a list of hosts for which this account should apply. You can add or delete from this list at any later time. Please specify a fully qualified hostname for each. Hosts are generally the list of hosts from which your application will connect to the database.
  5. Enter a password string and confirm.
  6. Select create

At this point, your MySQL account(s) are created. Below are some other useful links.

Creating a MySQL database

Configuring a MySQL client


Article ID: 123366
Mon 12/28/20 6:03 PM
Thu 12/15/22 2:10 PM