T-Storage: Map T-Storage (H: and I:) Drives (Linux)


Note: To map your T-Storage drives from off-campus, you will need to connect to the Pulse Secure VPN.

To access your T-STorage files from Linux, you can also log into http://access.utk.edu and use the built in file browser listed as TSHOME.UTK.TENNESSEE.EDU under Files.


  1. You must have the smbfs kernel module loaded in order to mount T-storage. For Debian-derived systems (e.g., Ubuntu, Mint), there is a smbfs package that can be installed from a terminal via the command (run as root or via sudo)

    Modern: apt-get install cifs-utils
    Legacy: apt-get install smbfs

    For users of distributions using yum (e.g., Fedora, CentOS),

    Modern: yum install cifs-utils
    Legacy: yum install smbfs

    If all else fails, you can just install samba. The samba daemon does not need to be running, you just need the ability to mount samba shares. 
  2. Make sure the kernel module is loaded with

    Modern: modprobe cifs
    Legacy: modprobe smbfs 
  3. Once the kernel module is loaded, you can mount your T-storage via one of the following commands (run as root or via sudo)

    For personal storage (H:), use the command:
    Modern: mount -t cifs -o user=$netid //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ /local/folder/
    Legacy: mount -t smbfs -o user=$netid //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ /local/folder/

    For departmental storage (I:), use the command:
    Modern: mount -t cifs -o user=$netid //tstorage.utk.tennessee.edu/depts$ /local/folder/
    Legacy: mount -t smbfs -o user=$netid //tstorage.utk.tennessee.edu/depts$ /local/folder/

    Where $netid is your UT NetID, without the domain, and /local/folder/ is the folder on your hard drive you wish to have T-Storage mounted to. For example, if your UT NetID is jstudent and you wish to have your T-Storage mounted in the local folder tstor located in your home directory, then you would issue the command:

    Modern: mount -t cifs -o user=jstudent //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ ~/tstor
    Legacy: mount -t smbfs -o user=jstudent //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ ~/tstor

    When you do this, you may be prompted for you password first by sudo (your local system's password), and next you will be prompted to enter your UT NetID password.

    Finally, if you wish to have ownership over the mounted folder (i.e., able to access your T-Storage files without root privilege), add the flag -o uid=$username, where $username is your local username. So if your local user account is linuxuser, continuing with the example above, to mount your storage under your local account, issue the command:

    Modern: mount -t cifs -o uid=linuxuser -o user=jstudent //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ ~/tstor
    Legacy: mount -t smbfs -o uid=linuxuser -o user=jstudent //tshome.utk.tennessee.edu/~ ~/tstor
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Article ID: 123308
Fri 12/25/20 1:27 PM
Wed 10/11/23 2:39 PM