Microsoft Teams: Creating Channels


A Channel is a focused conversation in MS Teams. You can have members of the same Team in a channel, have a private channel with only certain people in the Team, or even add people outside of your Team to channels for special conversations. Use these channels to store files and have conversations associated with specific topics. If you have a Team for a class, think about using channels for lab groups or group projects. If you have a Team for staff, think about using channels to discuss projects, budgets, marketing, training, etc.


Creating a Channel

  1. Launch the Teams app and navigate to the team where you want to create the channel. When creating the team a default channel labeled General was also created.
  2. To add additional channels, select the ellipses … menu to the right of your Team name, then select Add Channel.
    tap ellipsis and then add channel
  3. Enter the name and a description of the new channel in the box that opens. The name should be clear and concise, and the description should explain the purpose and scope of the channel.
    name a channel and tap add
    • Under Privacy, select the down arrow on the right and choose Standard or Private, depending on your preference.
    • Choose whether to automatically show the channel in everyone's channel list or not. If you select this option, the channel will be visible by default for all team members. If you deselect this option, the channel will be hidden by default and team members will have to show it in their list manually.
  4. Click on Add, and the channel will appear in your team's channel list.
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Article ID: 121087
Tue 11/24/20 5:11 PM
Fri 7/5/24 10:24 PM
Microsoft Teams