If you have a lot of different chats with combinations of different people in MS Teams, it can get confusing as to what the combinations tend to chat about. Sally, Jack, and Bob might chat about marketing, while Bob, Jalil, and Sumarni might chat about student supervision. You can rename your chats to show the topics rather than the members. For example, the chat with Sally, Jack, and Bob can be renamed “Marketing Ideas.”
- In the Chat section of MS Teams, select the chat you want to rename.
- At the top of the screen, next to the members' names of that chat, you’ll see a pencil.
- Select the Pencil icon and enter the new name for the chat.
Note: This will rename the chat for everyone in the chat. Don’t pick something embarrassing!
Note: Only chats with at least three members can be renamed. Chats between you and one other person are not able to be renamed.