The Online@UT (Canvas) Inbox, located in the global navigation menu, is not intended to replace your email, but functions similar to email.
Why Use Inbox When I Already Have Email?
The messaging system in Online@UT (Canvas) makes it easy to manage conversations by course, by section, by group and/or by student without having to know their email address or the distribution list.
Here are some other reasons to consider using the Inbox for course-related correspondence:
- You can send messages to an entire course, just a section, or a student without knowing their email addresses.
- When a student emails you, you'll know exactly which course they are enrolled in. No more replying "Who is this?" or "Which course are you emailing about?"
- Conversations are threaded and kept organized by student name. So if Cindy sent 7 separate messages last week, you will only see her name in your inbox once -- all correspondence will remain together.
- Your messages can be written in text or be recorded as a video or audio directly from the message interface.
- Filter conversations by course or type.
- View and reply to assignment submission comments.
NOTE: Once a course term date has passed, you can no longer message students in that course.