Websites & Hosting



The Public Linux Environment is a robust, full-stack LAMP service running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It includes public websites hosted on Volweb ( which feature a 1 GB quota, various programming languages, Apache, and access to our MySQL database service. After creating a Public Linux account, UT students, staff, and faculty can build websites, compile programs, edit files, and more. Your Public Linux account will be available for one year after you leave the university.

Register for an OIT Linux account here.


OIT offers a managed WordPress service that is designed to allow departments, faculty, and staff to manage the content of their WordPress web pages while OIT manages the WordPress installation. Custom/vanity URLs (virtual hosts) are included with an OIT-Supported WordPress site. New sites are based on the approved UTK or UT System template and will include a custom/vanity URL (virtual host).  Access to wp-admin will require authentication with your NetID and password.


MySQL is a popular open-source SQL database management system. It is often used as a free back-end database for many web and open source applications. If you’re planning to set up WordPress on your Linux server, you will also need to sign up for a MySQL database.

SSL Certificates

Go to the SSL Request Form.

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