Websites & Hosting

Request Help with a Website

Click the Request Help with a Website button to get help with your website. Our support includes the Public Linux Environment, OIT-Supported WordPress, SharePoint Online, MySQL databases, and SSL Certificates. View more details on the Website Help service offering page.

Public Linux Environment (Public LAMP)

The Public Linux Environment is a robust, full-stack LAMP service running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 

OIT-Supported WordPress

OIT offers a managed WordPress service that is designed to allow departments, faculty, and staff to manage the content of their WordPress web pages while OIT manages the WordPress installation.

SharePoint Online

OIT supports SharePoint Online communications sites for internal web content and collaborates with the Office of Communications and Marketing to support the UTK Employee Hub.

Request a Domain

Custom/Vanity URL's and Domains (Virtual Host)

Click the Request a Domain button to get started. 

OIT offers custom/vanity URLs and domains (virtual hosts) for UTK organizations and departments. Domain registration examples include:,,,

Other Services


MySQL is a popular open-source SQL database management system. It is often used as a free back-end database for many web and open source applications. If you’re planning to set up WordPress on your Linux server, you will also need to sign up for a MySQL database.

SSL Certificates

Go to the SSL Request Form.


Request Help with a Website Request a Domain

Related Articles (1)

How to set up WordPress on the Public Linux Environment.


Service ID: 45697
Fri 9/11/20 4:29 PM
Thu 6/20/24 4:02 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Websites & Hosting
OIT provides server space to faculty, staff, and students for personal or organizational web hosting and online storage.
Domain Request
Request a UT or non-UT domain.