VolCard: Add your VolCard to Apple Wallet on iPhone and Apple Watch


What you need to get started:

  • Apple Wallet (part of iOS)
  • Official GET Mobile app. Search for ‘GET Mobile’ in the app store
    • iPhone 6s/6s Plus or later, iOS 13.1 or later.
    • Optional: Apple Watch Series 3 and later, watchOS 6 or later.
  • Valid Apple ID and password
    *For use in the iOS App Store.
  • Current UTK NetID and Password

Adding your UTK VolCard to Apple Wallet

  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for "GET Mobile."  The creator of the app is ‘The CBORD Group, Inc.'
  2. Install the GET Mobile app by clicking 'Get' next to the app icon.
    *To install apps on your iPhone, Apple requires a valid Apple ID and password.
  3. Launch the GET Mobile app.
  4. Click on ‘Search All Institutions’ at the bottom and search for ‘University of Tennessee Knoxville’.
  5. Log in with your NETID and Password.  Complete DUO Two Factor Authentication (more details on how to install DUO if you have not already done so).
  6. Create your unique four-digit PIN code if you haven’t already done so.
  7. Click ‘Add to Apple Wallet.’
  8. Enter name (defaults to VolCard) and click ‘Next.’
  9. Agree to the Volcard Terms and Conditions.
  10. Setup takes approximately 10-30 seconds to complete.
  11. You’re done! Your card can now be used at all digital ID-enabled locations.
    • To add to your Apple Watch, simply repeat these steps but select “Apple Watch” the device to enable. You can have your digital ID on both devices at the same time.

Load Your VolCard on Your New Phone

Unlink Old Phone

  1. Open the GET app.
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Unlink Mobile Wallet ID (This will also unlink your Apple Watch if you have one attached. Reactivate it as well.)

Add New Phone

  1. Tap Home.
  2. Tap Add to Wallet
  3. Tap Next
  4. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.
    (Use the same instructions to add back the Apple Watch.)

Additional Questions

Who can help if my VolCard does not work to access campus buildings, residence halls, and Sorority housing? 

  • For residence halls, go to your Residence Hall Main Desk.
  • For Sorority housing, contact Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life at 865-974-2236 or email greekhousing@utk.edu.
  • For Sorority housing, after hours, contact your House Director.
  • For Campus Buildings, contact your department representative that requested your access.
  • For Campus Buildings, after hours, contact UTPD Central Alarm at 865-974-3114.

Who can help if I can't get my VolCard configured on my phone? 

  • Contact the VolCard Office at 865-974-3430 or email volcard@utk.edu
  • VolCard Office Business hours | Monday–Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Website: volcard.utk.edu





Article ID: 119015
Thu 10/22/20 9:07 PM
Mon 1/29/24 5:17 PM