Microsoft Outlook: Create a Contact Group

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Overview | Instructions: For Office365 - For Windows - For Mac 


This article provides instructions for creating contact group lists in Outlook through Office 365, on Windows, and on Mac. 


Create Outlook Contact Group through Office365

  1. Go to and sign in with your UTK email address and password. 
  2. Click Outlook on the left-side menu.  
  3. Click the People icon on the left-side menu. 
    Screenshot of left side menu in Outlook through Office 365 with a red square around the People icon.
  4. In the upper-left corner of your screen, click the arrow next to New Contact. Then, click New Contact List. 
    Screenshot of dropdown menu under New Contact in the People tab in Office 365.
  5. After you fill out the contact list name, add email addresses, and add a description, click Create

Create Outlook Contact Group on Windows

  1. Open the Outlook desktop app. 
  2. In the lower-left corner of the Outlook window, click the People icon. If you are using the expanded view, click the word People
    Screenshot of Outlook people icon with a red square around it on a Windows computer.
  3. Under the Home tab, click New Contact Group in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window. 
    Screenshot of the New Contact Group option in Outlook on a Windows computer.
    NOTE: If you do not see New Contact Group, click the arrow next to New Contact. Then, click Contact Group in the dropdown menu. 
    Screenshot of dropdown menu after clicking the arrow next to New Contact in Outlook on a Windows computer.
  4. You will be able to name the contact list, add/remove contacts, draft an email, create meetings, categorize the list, schedule follow-ups, and more. 

Create Outlook Contact Group on Mac

  1. Open the Outlook desktop app. 
  2. In order to create a contact list, you must use the legacy version of Outlook. The New Outlook version does not currently have the option to create a contact list.
    • To verify you are using the legacy version of Outlook:
      1. Click Outlook in the upper-left corner of your screen. 
      2. If there is a checkmark next to New Outlook, click New Outlook.
        NOTE: If there is not a checkmark next to New Outlook, you are already using the legacy version. 
        Screenshot showing checkmark next to New Outlook under Outlook menu on a Mac.
      3. A pop-up window will appear asking if you are sure you want to switch to the legacy version of Outlook. Click Revert
        Screenshot of pop-up window verifying you want to switch to the legacy version of Outlook on a Mac.
  3. In the lower-left corner of the Outlook window, click the People icon. If you are using the expanded view, click the word People
    Screenshot of Outlook icons with a red square around the People icon.
  4. Click Home in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window. 
  5. Click New Contact List in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window. 
    Screenshot of options under Home in Outlook with a red square around new contact list.
    NOTE: If New Contact List is greyed out, follow these instructions: 
    1. Click the box next to Hide On My Computer folders to remove the checkmark. 
    2. Click General
    3. Click Preferences
    4. Click Outlook in the upper-left corner of your screen. 
    5. Close the Preferences window. 
  6. You will be able to name the contact list, add/remove contacts, draft an email, create meetings, categorize the list, and schedule follow-ups.