You can encourage participation and engagement with your presentation through Google Slides' Q&A feature. Start a live Q & A session during your presentation to present questions to participants and allow viewers to ask their own questions from their devices.
Launching Q & A
- Open your Google Slides presentation
- Click the drop down arrow next to Slideshow, and select Presenter View.
- A new Presenter View information box will appear.
- Make sure that you are under the Audience Tools tab and press Start New.
- You will now see the Q & A window, where you will be able to view participant questions and share them with participants. Participants can ask questions by visiting the unique URL automatically generated for you. The URL will appear in the Presenter View information box and will be added your slides automatically.
Sharing a participant question to your presentation
You can share a participant question to your presentation, where it will appear on your slides for all other participants to view. Below are instructions for presenting and hiding participant questions.
- In the Presenter View information box of an active presentation, locate the question you would like to share to your presentation and click the Present button.
The question will now be displayed to participants on your slides:
- When you're ready to continue with your slide show, click Hide in the Presenter View information box.
Allowing questions from only University of Tennessee participants
You can restrict Q & A to only participants from the University of Tennessee, meaning that participants must be logged in with their UTK email address to ask a question.
- After launching Q & A, select the drop down arrow next to Accepting questions from... in the Presenter View information box.
- Select University of Tennessee from the dropdown menu to allow questions from only University of Tennessee participants.
Allowing anonymous questions
By adjusting your settings can allow anyone to ask questions, meaning that participants DO NOT need to be logged in with their UTK email address to ask a question, and questions can be asked anonymously.
- After launching Q & A, select the drop down arrow next to Accepting questions from... in the Presenter View information box.
- Select Anyone from the dropdown menu to allow questions from anyone, including anonymous participants.
Turning Q & A on and off
You can turn Q & A on and off without ending or interrupting your presentation.
- After launching Q & A, locate the on-off switch button in the Presenter View information box.
- Click on the on-off switch button to turn Q & A off. You should see a message indicating that questions are closed. Repeat this process to turn questions on and off to suit your presentation needs.