IRIS: Record a Pending Employee, Friend, or Guest Traveler Using ZPHRRECORD000

  • ZPHRRECORD000 - Record a pending employee
    • After the pending employee is created in IRIS, it will take 2 business days for the NetID to be fully activated. It is recommended to complete the IRIS transaction at least 3 business days before the employee starts work.
  • ZPHRRECORD000 - Record friend 
    • Friends of the University are not typically assigned a NetID and cannot log into UT systems. If the Friend needs access to OIT services* (such as email), the department will need to make the Friend Active in IRIS or submit a sponsorship request.
  • ZPHRRECORD000 - Record guest traveler
    • A Guest Traveler is a person who travels on behalf of the University but is not an employee of the University. Guest Travelers are assigned a NetID, but it is inactive. If the Guest Traveler needs access to OIT services* (such as email), the department will need to submit a sponsorship request; however, this is uncommon.

For additional assistance utilizing IRIS, please visit our instructional documents and videos on the IRIS Help website.  You can also submit a help ticket online if you have additional questions.

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Article ID: 138681
Wed 3/23/22 10:26 AM
Wed 8/9/23 10:04 AM