Duo 2FA: Register a Security Key

Security Key 2FA Registration

Campus Specific Support:

  • UTK, UTSA, IPS, UTIA, and UTSI - OIT HelpDesk (865) 974-9900
  • UTC - UTC HelpDesk (423) 425-4000
  • UTHSC - UTHSC HelpDesk (901) 448-2222
  • UTM - UTM HelpDesk (731) 881-7900

If your Security Key is a newer model, you can register the device yourself by following these instructions. If self-registration does not work, please contact the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900.

  1. Insert your Security Key.
  2. Go to the two-factor device management page.
  3. Log in with your NetID and Password.
  4. Verify your identity by going through the 2FA prompt.
  5. Select + Add another device. Choose Security Key (YubiKey, Feitian, etc.) then select Continue.
  6. Select Continue and a pop-up window will prompt you to tap your key to enroll.  If you don't see a pop-up window, you may need to temporarily adjust your browser settings to allow a pop-up window.
  7. Tap your Security Key to enroll. What is displayed on the pop-up window will change and you will tap your security key again. (You will essentially tap your security key twice.) If prompted by your browser, select Allow.  
  8. The screen will display a green checkmark and "Success" if the security key is successfully enrolled. 
    Under no circumstances should university-issued security keys be used for non-university accounts