This article covers how to manage your share settings in Panopto both at the presentation and folder level.
Types of share settings available to you
There are four types of share settings available to you in Panopto under the Share tab in your video or folder settings. These can also be found by clicking the associated Share icon at the presentation or folder level.
- Restricted - Only specific people and groups
- Your Organization (unlisted) - Anyone at your org who has the link
- Public (unlisted) - Anyone who has the link

What does each setting do?
Here's a breakdown of each setting. When changing settings make sure to click Save Changes in order for them to take effect.
Restricted - Only specific people and groups
This is the default setting for videos. You can grant individual access by entering users' email addresses, listserv addresses, or Panopto group names into the Invite People field. If this originated as a Zoom Cloud recording, you can also click Invite Participants and it will populate your meeting attendees into the Invite Participants field. This field also gives you the option to send them a custom email message confirming the change in settings.
One note about Canvas: Since Panopto is fully integrated with Canvas, your Panopto course folder will automatically grant the course instructor Creator access and enrolled students Viewer access.
Your Organization (unlisted) - Anyone at your org who has the link
If you'd like to share a direct link to your video or if you'd like to embed it using the embed code, but you want to limit the audience to authenticated users, then you want to choose this setting. You can also manually enter users' email addresses, listserv addresses, or Panopto group names into the Invite People field.
Public (unlisted) - Anyone who has the link
If you'd like to share a link with non-authenticated users like the public or individuals outside of the university, you should use this setting. Note that anyone who has the link to the video will be able to view it if you use this setting. You can share the individual link to the video or use the embed code to place it on a website.
Removing access to content
You can also remove individual or group access from a video or folder. Be careful with this if you are changing your Panopto course folder settings. You can accidentally remove yourself from having access to the folder or video. If this occurs, contact the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900 or at and we can reconnect you.
To remove access, simply click the X next to the user you'd like to remove and then click Save at the bottom. This screenshot illustrates how that will look after you click the X.