T-Storage: Access from iOS (iPhone or iPad)

Tags iOS TStorage

To access T-Storage from your iPhone or iPad running iOS:

  1. Purchase, download, and install the app FileBrowser Professional from the Apple App Store.
    **Note: this is a third-party application. OIT does not support the application beyond configuration instructions. Other network file-browsing apps may be available on the Apple AppStore.
  2. Once FileBrowser Professionalis installed, you must be connected to the eduroam wireless network on campus or connect to the VPN app to access T-Storage.
  3. Open FileBrowser Professional.
  4. Click the + to add a share.
  5. Choose the network drive option.
  6. Choose PC.
  7. Choose the Manual setup.
  8. Enter the file path below in the Computer Name field:
    • For your home directory: \\tshome.utk.tennessee.edu\home\netid
      For your departmental directory: \\tstorage.utk.tennessee.edu\depts$
  9. Change More settings to "ON" and enter the following:
    Display Name: Enter a name to display such as tshome or depts
    User Name: Click the edit button and enter: UTK\YourNetID
    Password: Your NetID password
    Advanced Settings should be set to OFF
  10. Press  Done, then Save.
  11. Shared areas will now appear under Remote Files.