To access T-Storage from your iPhone or iPad running iOS:
- Purchase, download, and install the app FileBrowser Professional from the Apple App Store.
**Note: this is a third-party application. OIT does not support the application beyond configuration instructions. Other network file-browsing apps may be available on the Apple AppStore.
- Once FileBrowser Professionalis installed, you must be connected to the eduroam wireless network on campus or connect to the VPN app to access T-Storage.
- Open FileBrowser Professional.
- Click the + to add a share.
- Choose the network drive option.
- Choose PC.
- Choose the Manual setup.
- Enter the file path below in the Computer Name field:
- For your home directory: \\\home\netid
For your departmental directory: \\\depts$
- Change More settings to "ON" and enter the following:
Display Name: Enter a name to display such as tshome or depts
User Name: Click the edit button and enter: UTK\YourNetID
Password: Your NetID password
Advanced Settings should be set to OFF
- Press Done, then Save.
- Shared areas will now appear under Remote Files.