Apps@UTK: Access & Launch an Application

Installing Citrix Workspace

  1. Select the version of Citrix Workspace for your operating system:
  2. Click Download File for the Mac version, or click Download Citrix Workspace App for Windows
  3. Click on the download in the lower-left corner of your screen, or go to your downloads folder and open the Citrix Workspace file. 
  4. Follow installation prompts. 
    • For Windows: 
      1. Click Allow for the app to make changes. 
      2. Click Start when the installation window pops up. 
        Screenshot of the first window for installing Citrix Workspace.
      3. Check the box to accept the license agreement and click Next
        Screenshot of the License Agreement page for installing Citrix Workspace with a checkmark in the check box next to I accept the license agreement.
      4. Follow the installation prompts and click Finish when completed. 
        Screenshot of the Installation Successful page for installing Citrix Workspace.
    • For Mac: 
      1. Double-click on Install Citrix Workspace
        Screenshot of the window with the options to install or uninstall Citrix Workspace with the install option selected.
      2. Click Allow when the message "This package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed" appears. 
        Screenshot of the window with the message asking you to allow the package to run a program to determine if the software can be installed.
      3. Follow the installation prompts and click Install when you get to Installation Type. 
        Screenshot of the Citrix Workspace installer window at the installation type section where install can be clicked.
      4. When asked to add an account, leave the box empty and click Continue
        Screenshot of the add account section of the citrix workspace installation.
      5. Click Close
  5. Restart your computer. 
  6. Navigate back to Apps@UTK and you will see the list of available apps. 
    • You can locate apps by using the search bar at the top right of the screen or by organizing the apps using the Categories button.

Installing Citrix Workspace on a Chromebook

  1. Click this link to install Citrix Workspace from the Chrome Web Store. 
  2. Click Add to Chrome
    Screenshot of the Citrix Workspace download option in the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Click Add App when the Add Citrix Workspace pop-up window appears. 
    Screenshot of the pop-up window for the citrix workspace installation in Chrome.
  4. Once installed, go to and log in. 

Launching an application in Apps@UTK

  1. Rather than Launching applications from the Citrix Workspace app on your computer, it is best to launch time from the Apps@UT Website. 
  2. Go to and log in.
  3. Locate the icon for the application you would like to launch.
  4. Click the icon once.
  5. A 'Starting application...' window will appear while the application loads.
    *This step can take a few minutes depending on the app that is loading and your computer's performance.
  6. The application will appear in a separate window and is ready to use.

Access Apps@UTK from iOS or Android

Download the Citrix Receiver app from the App Store or Google Play. 

Configure the app as follows:

  • Address:
  • Username:  your-netid
  • Password:  your-netid password
  • Domain:  utk
  • Security Token:  OFF / Domain Only
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