* Travel: Concur Training and Support

The University’s travel platform, Concur, provides users with a streamlined experience in managing all aspects of travel from requests to submitting expense reports. The learning opportunities outlined below are supported by printable Travel FAQs and designed to meet learner needs with scenario-based examples. It is recommended to have a working knowledge of the University of Tennessee FI0705 – Travel policy and procedures as well as related policies. Asterisk (*) indicates introductory topics or 'start here' recommendations. Also, see the attached Learning Opportunities guide for a summary of all support offerings.

Traveling for the University *
Beneficial information pertaining to University's travel system, policy related to travel, and resources available for individuals traveling to conduct university business.
1.5 hours | Recording

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Expense Report, Traveling for the University
1 hour | Recording

What's New with Concur
Learn about recent changes that became effective June 1, 2023 to the system.
1.5 hours | Recording

Essentials for Travel Entry (delegates and travelers)
Focused on individuals tasked with managing their own travel or travel on behalf of faculty, staff, students, and guests, this prepared curriculum blends Concur-provided materials with facilitated training and UT-specific knowledge base material.

Travel Card Overview *
Open to any individual interested in learning about the University’s Travel Card Program and how it can reduce the out-of-pocket burden for employees, guests, and students who travel on behalf of the university. This non-technical session will discuss the request process, cardholder responsibilities, related policy, and demonstrate its streamlined integration with Concur.
1 hour | Recording

Travel Card Troubleshooting
Cardholders will learn about appropriate card management, including common decline reasons and the benefits of Bank of America’s Global Card Access features.
1 hour | Recording

Travel Card Transaction Management
Cardholders will learn best practices for managing travel card transactions to avoid lingering pending transactions, address future travel expenses and recommendations for timely reconciliation.
1 hour | Recording

Requesting and Managing Cash Advances
While the UT Travel Card is the University’s recommendation for offsetting out-of-pocket expenses, there are specific scenarios and campus philosophies that are best met by requesting a cash advance prior to travel. Join this session to learn about these scenarios, how to request an advance, manage advances for group travel, and how to return an unused advance.
1 hour | Recording

Travel (booking) Focused *
Intended for anyone interested in using the Concur Travel (booking) service provided by World Travel. In this session, attendees will realize the benefits of using Travel, review the basics of making travel arrangements (airfare, car rental, lodging), and learn best practices as well as how to troubleshoot common problems.
1 hour | Recording

Guest Travelers
Focuses on aspects of managing guest travelers and demonstrations will cover onboarding and managing guests via IRIS in preparation for booking and processing travel in Concur. Prerequisites: Essentials for Travel Entry, Request, and Expense Focused Sessions
1.5 hours | Recording
Supplemental: Using the Hire a Friend/Pending Employee/Guest Traveler E-Form

Centrally Held Cardholder How-To
Intended for travel cardholders that use their assigned card to facilitate travel for others, such as guest travelers. This session will review the process for reconciling travel card transactions using the appropriate expense item types, attaching supporting documentation, and resolving alerts.
1 hour | Recording

Domestic Travel *
Travelers or delegates processing expenses for in-state and out-of-state travel will learn how to claim expenses for day, overnight, mileage only, travel allowance (per diem), for out-of-pocket or travel card expenses.
1.5 hours | Recording

International Travel
Travelers and delegates will learn approaches for preparing for international travel with your campus office, submitting a request to travel, and claiming expenses.
1.5 hours | Recording

International SOS
International travelers have access to a FREE new service that provides global medical, security and emotional support assistance through International SOS. Representatives from UT Risk Management and ISOS will review how travelers can leverage this service and address questions.
1.5 hours | Recording

Conference Travel
Travelers and delegates will learn the details of preparing for conference travel, including collecting required documentation and requesting approval and guidance on claiming expenses.
1.5 hours | Recording

Group Travel
Intended for travel entry professionals (delegates) processing travel for student or employee groups. This session will discuss creating bulk requests using the Event Request feature, tracking submissions, benefits of a travel card and tips on processing expenses. Prerequisites: Concur Essentials for Travel Entry Professionals, Request Focused.
1 hour | Recording

Allocating Expenses
Travelers and delegates will learn how to charge a single item or group of expenses to a different account using the Allocation function, including known ‘gotchas’ on rounding and how to confirm allocation amounts.
1 hour | Recording

Exceptions to Policy, What They Are and Are Not *
Travel expenses that do not adhere to university policy, must be submitted as an exception. However, not all expenses that trigger a compliance alert are true exceptions to policy. Join the policy experts to learn about exceptions and how to resolve non-exception alerts.
1 hour | Recording

Travel Allowance ad Per Diem Alerts and How to Resolve Them *
When claiming lodging and/or meals per diem, a Travel Allowance is required for compliance validation. This session will review best practices for completing an itinerary and how to address compliance alerts. While lodging is a frequently claimed expense, creating the report line item can be challenging with unique lodging scenarios, receipt itemizations, and built-in compliance based on University travel policy.
1 hour | Recording

Tips From the Processor Team
Interested in learning how to ‘return proof’ your expense report? Want to learn tips on speedy travel reimbursements? Join members of the UT Processing Team to gain insight on improving your submissions.
1 hour | Recording

Streamlined course to introduce the Concur travel platform and prepare all levels of approvers (authorized, department heads, substitutes, reviewers) with the technical skills set approvers in IRIS, evaluate submissions, approve or return requests to travel, card requests (travel or procurement), and expense reports..

Authorized Approvers
Intended for approvers holding specific approval flow stops, including CFO, CBO, International Travel Office, Export Control, Campus Card Coordinators, or Compliance Officers. Submission review/approval for these stops must be through the corresponding campus-level authorized approver (AA) alias. This session reviews the AA role, using the delegate function to access the alias and how to request changes to the alias approvers.
1 hour | Recording

Reporting for Managers
Intended for individuals in a manager role (direct reports) and their delegates, this session will introduce the Concur reporting platform and review standard report offerings.
1 hour | Recording

Financial Postings for Business Managers
Overview of changes to financial documents related to Travel in SAP (IRIS) with the implementation of Concur, including the new SAP-based expense report.   
1 hour | Recording

Essentials for Travel Processors
Comprehensive training to convey the technical aspects of navigating the Concur platform and the functional aspects of evaluating expense reports for compliance. Training will address University policy and does not cover campus-specific plans and procedures. While system and campus processors (auditors) are the primary audience, this training is open to any individual responsible for submitting travel-related expenses.
1.5 hours | By Request.

Travel Card Training and Questionnaire
The University’s Travel Card program was established to provide an option to reduce the out-of-pocket burden for employees, guests, and students who travel on behalf of the university. This curriculum focuses on University policy FI0531 – Travel Cards compliance and the detailed responsibilities of the named cardholder, as well as all parties affiliated with approving and managing travel cards. While the travel card request is initiated via the University’s travel system, Concur, individuals must complete this curriculum and pass the included questionnaire to complete all requirements to obtain a card.  
1 hour | K@TE Curriculum  

Procurement Card Training and Questionnaire
The University’s Procurement Card Program was established to provide a more efficient, cost-effective alternative for departments to make purchases costing less than $10,000 and to reduce or eliminate departmental petty cash accounts. This curriculum focuses on University policy FI0530 – Procurement Cards compliance and the detailed responsibilities of the named cardholder, as well as all parties affiliated with managing a University procurement card. While the procurement card request is initiated via the University’s travel system, Concur, individuals must complete this curriculum and pass the included questionnaire to complete all requirements to obtain a card.   
1 hour | K@TE Curriculum  

Contact the UT Travel Support Team at travel@tennessee.edu if you have questions or would like to request custom training.

Updated: 8-1-2023  v9

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Article ID: 118548
Fri 10/16/20 12:38 AM
Mon 10/9/23 5:40 PM

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