Kahoot workspaces are like folders where you can save your Kahoots.
If you have a UTK license for Kahoot, you will have two different workspaces. One will be your personal workspace associated with your account. The other will be a workspace associated with the university. OIT recommends that you save all of your Kahoots to your personal workspace. This way, if you leave the university or your account is later associated with a UT departmental Kahoot license, rather than a UTK license, any Kahoots you created will remain associated with your account.
If you do decide to have a Kahoot in the UTK workspace, it is recommend you save the original Kahoot to your personal workspace and then duplicate the Kahoot to the UTK license. Remember, anyone with a UTK Kahoot license can make changes to Kahoots saved to the UTK workspace. So it is best to keep the Kahoots you use in class in your personal workspace.
For more information on Kahoot workspaces. Visit this knowledge base article from Kahoot:
How to use workspaces – Help and Support Center (kahoot.com)