All travel card transactions must be added to an expense report within 30 days of the transaction. This applies to transactions for future trips, as well. A future trip’s expense report should be created in advance so the transactions can be assigned to it, but it can be submitted after the end of the trip with the other expenses. This allows the expenses for the trip to be processed together. If a transaction has not been assigned to a report within 15 days from the date the transaction occurred, email reminders will be sent to the traveler, their delegates, and their direct manager. These emails will be sent weekly until the transactions are added to an expense report.
Sometimes a transaction will be loaded under available expenses with a payment type of ‘Pending Card Transaction’. These are temporary holds sent by the vendor to the cardholder’s account. This is primarily done by hotels, airlines, and car rentals when a reservation is made. These should NOT be assigned to an expense report. When the actual card charges load into Concur, they normally replace the pending card transaction. In some cases, the match does not happen automatically, and the traveler must manually merge the pending card transaction and the final card charge. This is accomplished by using the Combine Expenses option under Available Expenses. If the pending transaction has already been added to an expense report, the actual charge will be added as a new transaction and the pending transaction will remain on the expense report. After the actual charge has merged with the pending transaction, the charge can be assigned to an expense report. If there are ‘orphan’ pending card or out-of-pocket transactions, those can be deleted.
NOTE: Travel card transactions cannot be deleted. If they are ‘deleted’ from an expense report, they will be moved to the Available Expenses section. Pending card and out-of-pocket transactions will be deleted permanently.

All travel card charges must be assigned to an expense report and submitted so the cards and the central accounts will be cleared. This is true even if the only two transactions are the charge and its offsetting credit.
In some instances, a department may wish to use a centrally held travel card, for things such as paying travel for guest travelers, covering charges for people without a travel card, or to have one person handling all travel reservations for a group or department. The cardholder or their delegate(s) will handle all the card transactions on these centrally held cards. The charges will all go to the Available Expenses of the central cardholder. They will not appear under the actual traveler. If a pending card transaction (placeholder) does show up under the traveler, those expenses should be deleted. When reconciling Centrally Held Cards, please see FAQ article Travel: Reconciling Centrally Held Travel Cards.
If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact