Travel: Multiple Destination Travel

Trips with Multiple Destinations

There are times when a traveler goes to multiple locations on one trip. All locations visited must be included in both the request and the expense report. Reflecting this information is handled differently on the request and the report. 

Request to Travel

On the request, Concur only allows for one destination. All other locations should be listed in the request header comments. If any personal time is included in the trip, those stops must also be listed. The destination identified in the header should be the furthest point of the trip away or the one with the most restrictions. The destination drives workflow, so if the request is for international travel, the foreign country should always be used as the destination. If the traveler is going to a country on the export control list, that country should be the one used. International and export-controlled countries add critical approval stops for the request. 

Header screen for Multiple Destinations


Expense Report

The expense report uses the travel allowance (also called an itinerary) to record all destinations for the trip. An itinerary is only required if the expenses will include lodging or meals per diem. If the trip will not include either of these, all destinations should be referenced in the header comments and done in the request.

The travel allowance should have an entry for each destination of the trip where meals or lodging are incurred, showing the time the traveler left and arrived at each location. The locations on the itinerary are the basis for the CONUS rates used for lodging and meals per diem.   An itinerary line is not needed for every day of the trip, but only for the days on which there is travel to a new location. 

There are several ways to create an itinerary.  One method is to scroll to the bottom of the expense header to the Travel Allowance section.  Select ‘Yes, I require Travel Allowance’ then click Next.

Travel Allowance, Yes, create

A second method is from the expense report itself.  Click Travel Allowance, then Manage Travel Allowance. 

Manage Travel Allowance

You will be directed to the Travel Allowances screen.  Click Create New Itinerary and enter the itinerary locations as above.

Create New Itinerary

With either method, the result is an itinerary that lists all the destinations on the trip and how long the traveler will be at each destination.  Personal travel destinations as well as those for business purposes should be included. If there are two stops in one day, only the one where the traveler spends the night needs to be listed.

Assigned Itinerary

If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact





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Article ID: 143891
Wed 1/25/23 11:51 AM
Wed 1/25/23 1:59 PM

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