Canvas Catalog: Bulk Enrollments

This article contains instructions for:

Bulk Purchase and Enrollment in a FEE-based Course

Visit UT Canvas Catalog and select the course of interest, OR follow the link shared by the instructor. The course listing page will be displayed.

Course Listing

  • Select the Bulk Purchase button, located to the side of the blue Enroll Now button. A message will be displayed: “Purchase seats and invite students to enroll in this listing. Seats are going to be reserved for a limited time during checkout.”
  • Select the Seats Required arrows to increase or decrease the number of enrollments you want to purchase; then
  • Select the Purchase Seats button.

You will be redirected to the Welcome page.

Login / New Guest

  • If you are a UTK user or already have a guest account in Canvas Catalog, follow the UTK users and current guests, log in here!link.
  • Guest users without an existing account, create a guest account by completing the new account registration information. If you registered for a new account, you must verify your account to complete your registration. Check your registration email address to confirm your account.

After successful login, you will be redirected to the Checkout page.


The Checkout page displays the course title, course listing price, the number of seats you selected, and the total cost of the course. There is a 10 minute timer for reservations in a course with a student cap.

  • To change the number of seats reserved, select the Change button, enter a different number of seats > Update.
  • To enter a promotion code to apply toward your payment, enter the code in the Promotion Code field. Then select the Apply button. You can enter multiple promotion codes. The Total amount will recalculate the total cost of the course.
  • You can cancel the checkout process: select the Cancel button. This will release the reserved seats. The checkout page will redirect to your institution's listings page.
  • To complete enrollment and pay for your selected listings, click the Claim Seats and/or Purchase Seats button, depending on your actions above.

You will be redirected to the Payment page, with the option to pay with a credit card. Once you complete the purchase, your enrollment confirmation is displayed.


A message is displayed, "You have successfully claimed [#] seats for the following listing. You will receive a confirmation email shortly."

You can invite students from 1) the displayed page, from the 2) email you received, or from 3) Purchases and Enrollments > Bulk Enrollments section of your account located in the top right corner of Canvas Catalog.

  • Select Invite Students to Enroll.
  • Enter the email addresses > select the Send Invite button. The learners will receive email with the subject line, “Catalog Enrollment Invitation.”

Bulk Enrollment in a Free Course

Visit UT Canvas Catalog and select the course of interest, OR follow the link shared by the instructor. The course listing page will be displayed.

Course Listing

  • Select the Bulk Enrollment button, located to the side of the blue Enroll Now button. A message will be displayed: “Claim seats and invite students to enroll in this listing. Seats are going to be reserved for a limited time during checkout.”
  • Select the Seats Required arrows to increase or decrease the number of enrollments you want to purchase; then
  • Select the Claim Seats button.

You will be redirected to the Welcome page.

Login / New Guest

  • If you are a UTK user or already have a guest account in Canvas Catalog, follow the UTK users and current guests, log in here! link.
  • Guest users without an existing account, create a guest account by completing the new account registration information. If you registered for a new account, you must verify your account to complete your registration. Check your registration email address to confirm your account.

After successful login, you will be redirected to the Checkout page.


The message is displayed, “Seats will be secured and you will be able to invite students to enroll in this listing in Bulk Enrollments under Purchases & Enrollments.”

  • To change the number of seats reserved, select the Change button, enter a different number of seats > Update.
  • You can cancel the checkout process: select the Cancel button. This will release the reserved seats. The checkout page will redirect to your institution's listings page.
  • To complete enrollment, select the Claim Seats.

Your enrollment confirmation message is displayed, "You have successfully claimed [#] seats for the following listing. You will receive a confirmation email shortly." Note: the email may have the “successful purchase” subject line despite the course being free.


  • Select Invite Students to Enroll.
  • Enter the email addresses > select the Send Invite button. The learners will receive email with the subject line, “Catalog Enrollment Invitation.” The learners should select the Enroll now button.