Java: Download and Java Update

Tags Oracle Java

Oracle stopped offering customers free Java 8 updates in 2019. OIT has started installing Red Hat OpenJDK and Amazon Corretto OpenJDK on servers and laptops since 2019. Oracle made Java 17 and 18 accessible to all customers at the end of 2021. You can download Oracle Java 17/18 online; please read Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions (NFTC)

JDK 18 will receive updates under these terms until September 2022, when it will be superseded by JDK 19.

JDK 17 will receive updates under these terms until at least September 2024.

You can download Java from Amazon OpenJDK, which is open source, always free, and offers different platforms and versions for MAC, Windows, and Linux.

If you have any questions about Java, whether you need it, what version to run, or how to remove it, please contact the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900.


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Article ID: 141813
Thu 9/15/22 11:31 AM
Thu 9/15/22 11:31 AM
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