As many people prepare for back-to-school with new looks for family members or even yourself, Concur is also starting the fall with a fresh new look for the Request module beginning September 1. While core functionality such as requesting authorization to travel, a new travel/procurement card, or even an increase to an existing card, will not change, a much needed-improvement to design and layout will be applied to mirror the Expense module. The new layout is designed to be more intuitive and accessible to all users and built for continuous innovation based on your feedback.
If you missed the ‘What’s New in Concur’ session in July, you can watch the recording or register to join us during the September Open Q&A sessions to meet the new Request layout. Also, check out the updated FAQ guides under the Attachments area.
What exactly is changing?
The new Concur Request layout improves the overall efficiency, usability, and accessibility of our previous design. The Concur Request homepage provides a new way to list all active requests. The updated user experience based on color code and bold text enhances the traveler/delegate experience and helps them to easily identify key information. Within requests, users will now see a common set of icons with the Expense module.
Legacy Layout, Retired August 31
![screen capture of the legacy request layout](
New Layout, Launched September 1
![screen capture of the new request layout](
New Layout, Request View
![screen capture of new layout of a request landing page](
A major improvement is the removal of the “tabbed” view that requires a user to click on each tab for different items on the request header, segments, expected expenses, approval flow, and more. Items are now combined in single, easy-to-use drop-down menus that are grouped intelligently, with clear action buttons for managing the request.
![screen capture reflecting the differences between the legacy segments and the updated expenses](
Cash advances will be managed as a Linked Add-on under the Request Details drop-down menu. This is the same approach to managing linked approved requests on expense reports.
![screen capture of how to link a cash advance](
What about approvers?
Preview, authorized, and named approvers will also benefit from this layout upgrade seeing a vast improvement when reviewing submissions via the Approval module. Requests pending approval are listed and provide one-click access to submission details in full-screen format with clear and easy access to request and expense details.
New Layout, Requests Pending Approval Listing
![screen capture of the approvers listing](
New Layout, Request Review
![screen capture of the approvers view of a submission](
The UT Travel Team is happy to see this change implemented to bring the delegate and traveler experience between the Request and Expense modules together. However, if you have any questions about the new layout or using the Concur travel system, please contact the UT Travel Team at