Apps@UTK: Install Add-on Packages for Python

Tags Apps Python

Create a folder on T storage.

  1. In the Utilities folder, there is a file Explorer++ application. Use it to open the Documents folder on your H: Drive ( \\\homes$\username). T-Storage Configuration Guide
  2. Within your Documents folder, create a folder named “Python”.

Install a package in a specific location

  1. Open the Anaconda application (Note: NOT Anaconda Navigator) from Apps@UTK.
  2. In the prompt window, type the syntax below,  then press Enter:
    pip install --install-option="--prefix=H:/my documents/Python" packagename

    For example, if the package is named as “agate”, the syntax should be shown as below:
    pip install --install-option="--prefix=H:/my documents/Python” agate

Import the package from a specified location

You have to do this to import a package from your H: Drive each time when you use Spyder or Jupyter from Apps@UTK.

  1. Open Spyder or Jupyter and run the syntax below:
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(1, “H:/my documents/Python/Lib/site-packages”)
  2. Import packages example:
    import agate