Email: Set up a Recurring Meeting or Appointment


Outlook and Gmail can create recurring meetings. Recurring meetings are helpful for setting aside time for your team to meet, or to help block off your calendar for dedicated time for you to work on certain projects. 

Outlook for Windows

  1. Open the Calendar view in Outlook. 
  2. Create a new Appointment
  3. On the Options Ribbon, click Recurrence
  4. On the Recurrence window, select your desired settings and click OK

View the screen capture.

Outlook for Mac

  1. Open the Calendar view in Outlook. 
  2. Create a new Event
  3. Under the Date/Time settings, you will find the recurrence options.
  4. Select Does not repeat, then choose one of the default recurrence options or Custom
  5. On the Recurrence window, select your desired settings and click Save

View the screen capture.


Visit Google's Help Center to learn how to create a recurring event.

Screen Captures

Outlook for Windows

Windows Recurring GIF

Outlook for Mac 

Outlook Recurring GIF

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Article ID: 139958
Tue 6/7/22 10:25 AM
Tue 6/7/22 10:27 AM
Google Gmail
Microsoft Outlook