IRIS: Finding a Vendor Number in IRIS

The following IRIS transactions are available to help you locate vendor information:

  • ZAP_VENDOR_ADDR_DATA – Useful to display all vendor numbers and address information.  This transaction is particularly useful to identify vendor numbers associated with a Federal ID number or Social Security (including ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’ vendor numbers).
  • ZAP_REMIT_VENDR_LIST – Helpful in identifying which remit-to vendor number is  actually associated with the “1” or “3” number that you need to use.
  • Y_DEV_17000025 - Query for Alternative vendors  –  Helpful when you have a "2"  remit-to vendor number and need to identify the associated “1” vendor number.
  • XK03 - Display – The general vendor search transaction.  It can be helpful if you are just checking to see if a  vendor number has been assigned yet in IRIS.

Tip: Click Search Help for the Vendor field and use the UT Vendor Search tab in these transactions for quick access to most of the search options. Some features of the search fields include:

  • The search will now return only unblocked vendors (those beginning with a “1” and “3”).
  • Blocked vendors can be seen by putting an “X” in the “Blocked” field.
  • The search by street name is not case sensitive.
  • It is still possible to search by tax ID number, but tax number is not returned in the search results to better secure this sensitive information.

​When searching by name, the search looks at all fields related to name.

For additional assistance utilizing IRIS, please visit our instructional documents and videos on the IRIS Help website.  You can also submit a help ticket online if you have additional questions.