Using the Favorites Starter Kit is a two-step process:
- First, download the Favorites Starter Kit text file to your PC.
- Access the Favorites Starter Kit. Click on
“Getting Started.” From the Getting Started page, click on “Download
Favorites Starter Kit.” From the “Download Favorites Starter Kit” page,
click on the link for “Favorites Starter Kit”.
- When you click on the link, you will be prompted to “Open” or “Save” the
file. Click Save and make note of where you save the file on your
- The file will be saved in a folder. Inside the folder is a text file – MYFAVORITES.txt. Save/move
the MYFAVORITES.txt file outside of the zipped folder (this will make it
easier to upload into your IRIS session).
- Then, upload the saved MYFAVORITES.txt file to your IRIS Favorites.
- Log in to your IRIS account. ·
- Click on the Favorites folder in your SAP Easy Access screen. ·
- Click the Favorites menu option at the top of the screen and then select Upload from PC. ·
- You will be prompted to select a file from your PC. Browse until you find file that you saved and then click Open. ·
- If you do already have favorites, you will be asked how you would like to save the Favorites. Choose Append!!! The favorites from your co-worker's account will be added at the end of your current favorites. ·
- If you do not already have favorites specified in your account, your Favorites folder will be populated with the favorites from your co-workers file.If you wish to re-organize the order of the Favorites, use the arrow keys on the Standard Tool Bar. You may also use other Favorites tools to delete folders that don’t apply to your job, insert new transactions that aren’t part of your co-worker's favorites, create new folders, etc.
Tip: If you inadvertently upload the folder instead of the MYFAVORITES.txt file, you will see a couple of additional entries at the bottom of your Favorites folder that look like garbage. You can simply delete these items
For additional assistance utilizing IRIS, please visit our instructional documents and videos on the IRIS Help website. You can also submit a help ticket online if you have additional questions.