If there are questions about or problems with a travel expense, anyone in the approval path or a processor can return the report to the traveler. Approvers and processors cannot change anything on an expense report, so if changes are needed the expense report will have to be returned. Whenever an expense report is returned, the person returning the report must give an explanation as to why it is being returned. An email will be sent to the traveler and their delegate(s) letting them know the report was returned.
When an approver/processor clicks ‘Return to User’, they are presented with a screen on which there is a history of comments on this report. In addition, there is a comment box in which the person returning the reports must enter an explanation. An explanation is required before the report can be returned.
![Scree Shot of Returned Expense Report Comments](https://utk.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=2c075487-4294-4d5b-b26c-155a91fc8fc9.jpg)
Viewing the Comments
In the Report Library of the traveler, the returned expense report will have a red header. It will indicate the person who returned it.
To see the comments themselves, open the expense report. The person who returned the report and their comments are at the top of the report.
![Screen Shot of Return Comments](https://utk.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=10fb12d1-6003-45df-adae-d93008ad1be7.jpg)
Once the reason for the return has been addressed, the traveler may submit the report. The submission will move through the approval flow again as the previous approvals are no longer valid due to corrections applied to the report.
If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact travel@tennessee.edu.